Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

CRO Tools You Need For 2020

Getting lots of visitors to your website is important, but what matters is getting those visitors converted into paying customers. In order to achieve a higher rate of conversions, there are many things you can do on your site, and there are quite a few Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) tools you can use so as to increase those numbers. Here are some of the best CRO tools you can use for 2020 to boost your conversion rate.




This is a research app that you can use to record and analyze the behaviors of those individuals in your marketplace. Whenever you have a visitor to your website, this app will be able to monitor their movements and actions, so you’ll know which aspects of your website are most appealing to them. Once you have this kind of information, it will be fairly easy to tweak your website, so as to provide an even greater appeal to your target audience.




SimilarWeb is one of those CRO tools that you can use to conduct research on your competitors. It will allow you to determine the strategies which are being used by the competition, and to evaluate which ones are the most successful. This will inevitably help you to fine-tune your own strategy, and to come up with more winning ideas that will help convert visitors into customers.


Pi Datametrics


This tool is one that has developed over the years to specifically deal with demographic concerns, as well as noting what the competition is up to. If you’re just getting started on your website, this would be a great tool for you to determine initial behaviors of the target audience, and to conduct your own kind of market research into user behavior.




As CRO tools go, this one is very good at recording and evaluating the details of strategies used by your competitors, and it also provides you with a glimpse into the clients of your competition. This can be priceless data because when you’re aware of the behaviors of your competitors’ clients, you can customize your strategies to appeal to them in the same way.




This tool has become extraordinarily popular all around the world because it provides extremely useful information by surveying user preferences. If you can figure out the right questions to ask of your target audience, you may be provided with answers that will help you increase your conversion rate significantly. This is universally acknowledged to be the number one survey platform in the entire market.




This is one of the CRO tools which is fantastic at generating leads, and it may even be the number one lead generation tool available today. When using this tool, you’ll be able to create and execute your conversion forms all from the same platform. You’ll also be able to manage and analyze those forms so that you can do whatever tweaking is necessary to make them more effective.


AB Tasty


When you are planning to conduct some intensive A/B testing, there’s no better tool on the market than this one, to help you coordinate the entire procedure. It is a comprehensive tool that includes everything you’ll need to set up alternative options for your target audience, so you can see which ones they prefer and then capitalize on those choices.


User Testing


This software suite provides a whole slew of options for testing user behaviors on your site, and for monitoring all the choices they make. This will be critical information you can use so as to tailor your website to the behaviors shown by visitors, and this will increase the popularity of your site. It should also hopefully get you a lot more conversions as well.




If you’re trying to record the actions and the interest level of visitors to your website, this is a tool you should be using. It’s really great for conducting A/B tests that give your target audience options to choose from, so you’ll have a baseline for their preferences. It also serves as a heat map tool so that you can see which areas of your website generate the most interest among users, and this will allow you to enhance those areas, and perhaps to discard others which garner less interest.


Loop 11


A software tool that specializes in testing from remote locations, this app will allow you to analyze the functionality of your website from any remote location. This will help you to see your site as it is experienced by users, so you’ll know exactly what they are experiencing, and if necessary, you can fine-tune your site features to make them more appealing.




Apps that identify and analyze user behavior can be extremely useful in helping you to customize your site to be more appealing to visitors that come your way. This is one of those software tools which help you to identify customer behavior as well as their intentions, all throughout the purchasing cycle. You can use information from this app to increase engagement with your visitors and to provide them with more of what they really need and want.




If you’re seeking greater transparency so that you can find out why visitors to your site do not end up filling out contact forms, this is one of the CRO tools which would be perfect for you. It will routinely record a number of user sessions so that you can identify their behaviors and actions when visiting your website. With this kind of information being recorded, you can evaluate it at any time to begin gaining insights into user behavior and any avoidance mechanisms which characterize it.




There are many different tests you can perform using this software, as you attempt to boost your conversion rates. You can provide users with questions very much like a survey would, and you can create quick tests that last no more than five seconds, to garner responses from your users. You can also create click tests and navigation tests, as well as some other types of tests, all of which can be used to gain valuable information about visitors to your website.

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