Managed SEO

SEO Email Series #4 of 6: Monthly Reporting


This is the fourth of six emails that explains what steps we take in a chronological order throughout each month. This topic covers the monthly reporting.

Monthly reporting is key to our strategy. We continually raise the bar by the results of our previous month’s activities. If something is working, we ramp up; if not, we modify our strategy accordingly.

Who: Client (opt) and Aqaba.

When: Reports are sent on the first of the month for the previous month.

Why: to report monthly marketing performance and progress.

Summary of events or tasks ~ and responsible parties:

  • Run monthly report (automated) ~ Aqaba
  • Send report to the client (automated) ~ Aqaba
  • Confirm report was sent ~ Aqaba
  • Client access to the portal for full performance and ability to compare and research ~ Client
  • Optionally: conference call for strategy and/or explanation ~ Client and Aqaba

We would like to invite you to a monthly conference call to go over the previous month’s metrics is you desire. Collaboration is not only welcomed but recommended to the client.

If you would like more information about monthly reporting, please email us at or call 248-275-1222 x 121.

Dan DeRoeck
Ph: 248-275-1222 Ex121

Toll-Free: 855-my-aqaba

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