Managed SEO

SEO Email Series #3 of 6: SEO Technical Maintenance


This is the third email of six that explains what steps we take throughout each month. This topic covers the technical maintenance of your website.

We are going to switch gears now and cover some of the technical aspects of maintaining your website. Another totally unrelated task to previous emails is maintaining or improving the visibility of your website. Aqaba takes the liberty of improving your site technically by running a monthly site audit and fixing any errors that come up.

Who: Aqaba

When: this is done once a month.

Why: Your website must be maintained from a technical standpoint in order to reach its fullest potential.

Summary of events or tasks ~ and responsible parties:

  • Run website audit report ~ Aqaba
  • Review report for potential errors ~ Aqaba
  • Fix errors deemed critical ~ Aqaba
    • Broken internal links
    • Duplicate Meta Descriptions
    • Missing Meta Descriptions
    • Etc.
  • Optional: rerun report to ensure problems have been resolved ~ Aqaba
  • Review the latest Google algorithm changes. ~ Aqaba
  • Determine an action plan to comply algorithm changes ~ Aqaba

After the errors have been fixed, we can rerun the report confirm items have been fixed.

If you would like more information about website technical maintenance, please email us at or call 248-275-1222 x 121.
Dan DeRoeck
Ph: 248-275-1222 Ex121

Toll-Free: 855-my-aqaba

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