Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) & Local SEO

Local SEO Agency: How To Improve Your CRO

A local SEO agency can help to boost your search engine rankings while conversion rate optimization can increase your sales, so these two ideas have a lot in common when it comes to increasing your visibility and your bottom line profits. In many cases, both these objectives can be achieved by taking a few simple steps which tend to promote each of them at the same time. Here are some of the ways that both local SEO and CRO can be enhanced all at the same time, by some specific steps you take.

Create separate pages

For each specific service that you provide to your community, you should create a separate webpage, so that you can get more customers and rank higher with the search engines. For example, you’ll probably get a higher ranking when you list yourself as a swimming pool contractor as opposed to a general contractor. On your swimming pool page, you can go into great detail about the services you provide, and you’ll interest a lot more people who are searching for that specific service.

Provide FAQ pages

These kinds of pages help you convert more traffic, and they also appeal more specifically to your target audience. These are people who know exactly what they’re looking for, and they were attracted to your site because they can get some of the answers they want.

Write catchy titles

Interesting titles and descriptions will definitely earn you a higher click-through rate than most other sites. This will improve your rankings if you can keep it up, because it will bring more of the right kinds of customers to your website who are really interested, as opposed to those who are just browsing.

Maintain a user-friendly site

It’s usually a good practice to include a lot of internal links to appropriate pages on your site, for instance, a page about your services or a page about the products you offer. Make sure your contact page is easy to locate, and feature anything else prominently which you consider important to convey to users. Navigation should be intuitive and very simple, and loading speed should be as fast as possible, so you don’t have users abandoning you.

Be mobile-friendly

By now, everyone should be aware of the prevalence of mobile devices and especially smartphones concerning Internet lookups. More searches are conducted by mobile phones currently than by desktops or any other single mode. If your site isn’t displayed attractively on mobile devices, you will quickly lose a percentage of your visitors, and they’ll dash off to check out a site that looks better on their device.

Local SEO and Conversion Rate Optimization with Aqaba 

If you’re not a do-it-yourselfer type when it comes to site optimization, you should call the professionals at Aqaba Technologies, our local SEO agency based on Michigan, that’s been around since 2004, a lifetime in the tech industry. Our specialty is connecting brands with consumers and implementing all the latest technology for you so this can be accomplished in the most advantageous manner possible.

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