
Internet Marketing Success Tips For The Holidays

Businesses’ internet marketing success given the holiday experience is going to be a bit different from now on: people are ditching live-in sprees and focusing more on picking gifts from e-commerce stores. According to Mashable, this online shopping trend is going to reign supreme, since all the big retailers will want to avoid crowded stores given the pandemic situation still in full force.

We also believe that curbside pickup, loads of logistics issues, QR offer codes galore, voice searches, and Instagram shops are going to be hot this year onwards, and that’s why these internet marketing success tips might be exactly what your business needs to take advantage of what customers want right now:

  1. Get your own safe domain with reliable hosting: this is pretty basic, but still, it doesn’t hurt to remind you of its importance. Given the huge incoming traffic you might see during the holidays, an unreliable and unsafe website can be the kiss of death to your business’ revenue, because it’ll be like a beacon for phishing attacks, malware, hackers, and, last but not least, angry people dropping their carts, given your pages are too slow. Worst case scenario? Your server would probably go down under and nobody wants that amid a nice holiday shopping session.
  2. Update your website: there’s no time than the present to polish your website’s PageSpeed, site structure, and functionality with the help of an expert. Don’t forget to focus on mobile (it’s what Google’s also focusing on right now) and that’s why SEO professionals can be the best investment you can make going forward. Remember that your brand needs to get found on search engines, plus it’s not sustainable to rely only on paid advertisement, especially if you’ve got e-commerce.
  3. Spend your Ads budget wisely: in the PPC arena, all that glitters isn’t gold. You can’t out pay a nonexistent marketing campaign, and that’s why reaching internet marketing success needs scalability by testing the waters first and try, try, try all sorts of niche keywords to find which ones perform best for your business. Don’t despair if you see that your first results from your paid ads are not what you imagined, it’s part of the game! Optimized campaigns are not made in a day.
  4. Social networks are your business’ best friend: Instagram’s got embedded shops now, Facebook too; Google My Business can help you to let your local neighbors know you can provide delivery and pickup options, and even WhatsApp’s having Enterprise profiles in which you can upload your product catalogs. Of course, they don’t work for all targets or demographics, you need to be honest about what’s yours and tackle them on the channels they could be using. The same goes for TikTok, not everybody’s there or wants to be, but if a chunk of your audience falls into the Gen Z category, it’s well worth a try. Remember to establish conversations, every single thing you post needs to spark fruitful chatting, this is the key to engagement (sweet, sweet engagement), and don’t forget to use the proper hashtags and location tags.
  5. Tell a “story”: What do Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp have in common? Not only they’re owned by Mark Zuckerberg, but they also have a handy little feature called “stories”. There are many types of stories like pictures, small videos, reels… and you can leverage them for your business, letting people know almost instantly what are you up to and which are the newest arrivals they should keep an eye on. You can also launch flash discounts and offers there, just a small FYI.
  6. Paid promotion for the people who don’t know you, yet: There are many ways you can pay for people to get to know you and no, you don’t necessarily have to hire influencers. All the big social media channels got Ads platforms and they are a surefire way to get more eyeballs onto your content. Just like we said previously, try to make it a scalable effort, have patience, and you will see!
  7. Email marketing can change your life: have you built an email marketing list from past, present, and potential customer leads? If you haven’t, hop on to it! It has been proved that email listings can convert, you just need a juicy bait (discount, free sample, or downloadable) that might be of interest to your audience in exchange for their emails. Most importantly? This data is actually yours, unlike the social media channel followers you might be able to amass.
  8. Google My Business listings are a goldmine: not everybody knows the power of Google’s very own Google My Business. You can build there your local presence, make your business be seen on Google Maps and Search plus in just one click it allows customers to call your store, enter your website, and order online directly from you, with no strings or commissions attached. Getting in is free, you just need to confirm your existence with a postcard or a phone call, and fill up your business’ info. You can also upload your menus, product pictures, catalogs, and promotional videos, all in one place.

Reaching internet marketing success is not too far away, you just need to plan the next steps you want to take for your business, so you can have a profitable holiday season despite everything that has been going on. At our Michigan-based digital marketing agency Aqaba Technologies we can help you turn this into a reality, you just need to contact us so we can make it happen.

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