Voice Search Optimization

Voice Search: What It Is & How To Perform Voice Search SEO?

A few decades ago, having a casual conversation with your computer may have seemed like a scene from a science-fiction movie. Luckily, things have changed. Today, we see people talking into their watches and conversing with virtual assistants on their phones all the time.

Thanks to the revolutionary Google voice search features, interacting with computers through voice commands has become the new normal. In fact, according to one report, 39% of the U.S. population employs voice assistance on their smartphones, and 32% are interested in hands-free technology following the COVID-19 pandemic.

There’s no denying that while voice search may have started as a small concept, it is now one of the fastest-growing technologies and is gradually becoming the way of life. Naturally, innovative businesses that want to stay relevant in today’s fast-changing environment are all over voice search SEO to stay ahead of the curve.

Considering the fierce competition for search engine rankings, if you are not already working on voice search SEO, it’s time you change that. Read on to understand the concept of Google voice search and learn how to successfully perform voice search SEO for your business.

What is Google Voice Search?

Google voice search is a function that allows you to bypass typing the query and search the web through spoken voice commands. It is quick, fast, effective, and allows you to multitask. The feature is available for both mobile and desktop searches.

Typically, the user can initiate the Google voice search feature by saying “Ok Google” by either tapping on the mic icon on the screen or via hands-free voice command on some devices. Other than the activation and query input difference, there is little to no difference between searching the internet through Google voice search or typing.

However, users may notice a difference in the search engine results because websites that are not optimized for voice search may not appear in the top searches when using the Google search command.

As a result, businesses lose potential clients and customers by neglecting voice search SEO. This makes it important to incorporate voice search SEO into your business marketing strategy to not only enhance online visibility but succeed through business intelligence-driven digital transformation.

Best Practices for Voice Search SEO

Now that you understand the importance of having a voice search-friendly website, let’s get into the nitty-gritty on how to do that. At its core, optimizing for voice search SEO is a lot similar to started SEO but with a refined focus.

So, if you have optimized your website following the best SEO practices, you are already halfway there. On the other hand, if you are not into SEO at the moment, you’ll have to start from scratch and invest some serious time and effort into your website. Without further ado – let’s get started!

1.     Know Your Audience

The first rule of SEO is to understand your audience and what they might be searching for over the internet. The voice search algorithm uses user data, location, and numerous other data points to understand the context of the query. So, the more you know your audience and understand their intent and consumer behavior, the better you can optimize your website for their search queries.

For example, if a user searches for a specific business, they might be interested in knowing the location, operating hours, product or service rates, etc. One way you can enhance visibility is to structure your website the right way. Make sure that the required information is readily available in plain old HTML and not hidden in images.

In addition to that, any other crucial information that potential clients may search regarding your products or services should be available, including your unique selling point. In short, structure your website and content keeping the needs and requirements of your audience in mind.

2.     Focus on Long-Tail Conversational Keywords

While short-tail keywords are unlikely to ever disappear entirely, as we move towards voice searches, it becomes crucial to consider natural phrases used in voice searches. It’s time you shift the focus to conversational long-tail keywords that help Google nail the voice search query.

For example, instead of simply going with a short-tail keyword like digital marketing, try ranking for more specified keywords, such as:

  • Digital marketing solutions for small businesses
  • Best digital marketing agency in the U.S.
  • Affordable digital marketing solutions
  • Digital Marketing Solutions through Business Intelligence

3.     Update Schema Metadata

Schema Metadata can be described as the markup language that helps website owners provide Google with additional information about the information on the website. One way to define it is data about your data.

The purpose of Schema is to describe the content on your website. As a result, the search engine finds it easier to “understand” the data, which, in turn, not only boosts visibility but also shows your website to highly convertible potential customers.

4.     Focus on “Near Me” Searches for Locally Focused Businesses

Voice search SEO for locally based businesses

Optimizing your website for “near me” searches is an important part of voice search SEO. Here are a few ways to go about it.

Get Your Google My Business

If you don’t have a Google My Business listing, you are missing out on relevant search queries big time. On the other hand, if your business is already listed, make sure your listing is updated and relevant. Make it as comprehensive and complete as possible.

Even adding information such as parking is available for visitors or not can allow you an edge over your competitors in terms of visibility. Also, don’t forget to add images of your business!

Optimize Your AD Campaign Accordingly

If you are a locally focused business, you can take additional steps while creating your Ad campaigns to maximize visibility through near me searches regardless of whether your audience employs voice search or text-based search.

One way is to utilize AdWord Local Extension. It allows you to display business information, such as a business address, phone number, and directions with your advertisement. It may not sound like much, but it can help attract on-the-go shoppers.

Another option is to use Local Search Ads in Google Maps. It is an excellent strategy to reach your audience right when they need you. It will make your advertisement appear over the organic result with a small “Ad” flag. The goal is to drive more foot traffic to your store.

Aqaba: Delivering Tailored Digital Marketing Solution to Businesses

We are currently experiencing a voice search revolution. So, if you want to stay relevant and gain an edge over your competition, it’s time you start thinking proactively about the potential of voice search SEO and how it can transform your business.

Here it is important to mention that while the tips and tricks discussed above are a great place to start, SEO is an extremely vast domain, and getting into the nitty-gritty can be overwhelming and costly.

A better approach is to leave it to the professionals. Our digital marketing and SEO team at Aqaba can help you find effective voice search SEO solutions geared towards enhanced visibility and optimized lead generation. Contact us today to learn more.

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