Managed Advertising

Understanding PPC (Pay-per-Click) The Basics

Pay-per-click (also known as PPC) is a phrase people hear hear a lot, but many aren’t sure what it can positively affect the bottom line of their business. We are going to cover the basics in this introduction and dive deeper in later articles.

At Aqaba, we specialize in PPC management. Located in Michigan, we know the importance of an effective search engine marketing strategy that includes results-driven PPC.

Here are some things you need to know about PPC if you’re not already familiar with it.

PPC Is a Way to Get Traffic to Your Site

It’s more than just about getting traffic to your site organically with SEO – with pay-per-click, you must be set up to engage with visitors to get an ROI.

PPC allows you to use sites such as Google AdWord,Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, and others, to bid for ad placement in that search engine’s sponsored results section. When a visitor clicks on your ad they’re taken to your site (specific landing page is better), and you pay a fee to Google (or the site you used) for the “click” that led them there. Quality of your ads, landing page, and other factors are vital for getting the most cost-effective ads.

PPC Requires a Budget

In order to be effective with a PPC marketing campaign, you have to have a budget.

Firstly, you must bid on your ad placement. With this bid, you sometimes know in advance how much you’re willing to pay for each ad click (known as Cost Per Click). Other times, it’s not a known factor due to quality considerations.

We’ll help you set a budget based on your goals. Google will only run your ads based on your available funds.

The Most Important Aspects of a PPC Campaign Is the Quality

When people click on your ad, what page are they landing on? And will that click be what the visitor is looking for?

This needs to be planned out in advance. The worst thing a business can do is spend money on a PPC campaign just for the visitor to land on a page that doesn’t perform or keep the visitor’s attention. You don’t want the visitor to land on a simple Contact page, or another random page, where there has been no engagement or hook.

The key to a successful PPC ad campaign is a great landing page. You must give the user the experience he/she is expecting.

A landing page is a specific page designed for your specific ad campaign. Furthermore, it is what your visitor lands on when they click your ad link. It is designed to lead that visitor to a Call to Action (CTA), which leads to goal you have set, i.e. form filled out, appointment request, etc.

Because the landing page is the ‘hook,’ it must be well-written, engaging, clear, and convincing. If it’s not, you risk paying for an ad that didn’t generate the results you want.

Those are just a few basic things every business should know about pay-per-click.

As stated, our Michigan firm has mastered PPC down to a science, where we can provide you all the tools you need for an effective campaign.

We’ll help you plan and implement your campaign, and then manage your campaign, so you can take advantage of this amazing form of marketing.

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