Local SEO

Optimizing Your Location Pages

Optimizing Your Location Pages 

There are lots of ways that you can improve your website in order to secure a higher volume of web traffic, and to ensure that your message can be seen and acted upon. In recent years, the greatest emphasis about upgrading a website has centered around making it more mobile-friendly, since mobile is quickly becoming the go-to method for most Internet searches. However, there are other things you can do besides make your website more mobile-friendly, and some of these will have just as big an impact as will mobile-friendliness. Optimizing your local location Pages for SEO can be extremely important, if you expect to derive a considerable amount of your business from the local community. Here are some tips and tricks you can use to optimize your location pages for SEO.

On-page optimization

On page optimization for each location page you have will be similar because they will all include at least some of these components: meta descriptions, alt tags, title tags, and sitemaps. Besides these elements, there are a number of other factors for each of your location pages that you should strongly consider. For example, if you have a hotel or restaurant, you should make sure to include all necessary contacts so that potential customers can find you and talk to you. If you’re operating a local business, make sure you include hours of operation, location address, and any other information important to potential customers.

Keyword research

Any keywords chosen for your location page should be an accurate reflection of the terms a potential customer might use when they’re looking for a product or service in the local community. The keywords you choose for your location page should depend on what type of business you’re running, for example a restaurant, hotel, or retail outlet. If you’re running restaurants or hotels, you might choose to incorporate terms like accommodations, meals, or amenities in your keyword phrases. Anytime you have to decide on keyword phrases, it should be remembered that those keywords must be relevant to your specific location. For example, if you’re writing content for a restaurant in New Jersey, you should not bother including New York in any of your keywords.

Local SEO packages

This may be the most important optimization you can apply to your website. When you’re looking to achieve greater visibility for your location pages, local search engine services will provide a huge boost. These kinds of packages can be created for any kind of independent business, and they will include proper on-page optimization for each location page. You’ll also get a full analysis of your current SEO, and that will prove to be very handy when you get around to writing content articles.

Images and video

Images and video are terrific for attracting viewers to your location pages. If you have professional-grade photos or videos of your business building, and possibly interior settings, they should all be included on your location page. It will not only make the content more appealing, but as everyone knows, Google assigns higher rankings to sites that include images and video. Speaking of video, one of the big advantages of including video is that it can be used on YouTube, as well as being embedded on your location pages. When you do this, make sure to use high-quality resolution and titles for your videos, so that viewers will be impressed rather than turned off.

Off-page SEO

Even though the majority of location pages have a single page, you will still need to optimize them for off-page factors as well. These are much different than the on-page optimization techniques you read about above, because they never actually appear on your location pages. Instead, they will include social media profiles, hyperlinks, and local directories that can all refer back to your location pages. Don’t overlook any of these possibilities, because all of them can be very effective at boosting your location pages for SEO, and you never can tell which of them might be the most effective. By making best use of off-page SEO optimization, you’ll undoubtedly get more traffic to your website, and you’ll also improve your Google rankings so that more people find your location on an Internet search.

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