News & Website Design/Development

Mersino Forum Design & Development

Following Mersino’s newly launched responsive website design, the sewer bypass pumping and dewatering experts are adding a private and secure community forum for the Mersino partners. Mersino’s modern cloud-based community, implemented by Aqaba Technologies, will enable members to ask questions, share feedback, start discussion topics, or leave comments.

Boosting member participation with topic voting, community Q&A, idea forums, user activity profiles and social media sharing, members can vote on any posting to show support and to increase visibility of popular topics. Members can post questions and answers to help others by sharing their expertise, and empowering Mersino to make discoveries and gain insights from conversations.

Mersino’s headquarters in Davison, Michigan, will observe activity with a visual dashboard. Monitoring text analytics to reveal popular topics and themes, powered by the natural language processing engine. Mersino will have the ability to track the pulse of their community with a map of recent visitors, activity trend charts, and text analysis. To quickly spot postings that require their attention, Mersino can choose to receive email notifications for different types of events, such as a new topic, flagged topics, or new members joining the community. The built-in SSL encryption protects sensitive information including login, signup and account editing. Mersino admins will control restricted-access forums in a completely secure and private community.

Members will see the stream of user activity in real-time as it is happening across the entire community and see new topics and comments as they are posted across all forums. Going hand-in-hand with their responsive website design, the forum is mobile friendly meaning that members can utilize it on any device. Members can fully participate on various devices from desktop to tablet to smartphone. Giving full access to all community and admin features on the go.

Aqaba Technologies is pleased to assist the pumping services and pumping manufacturer, Mersino, continue to be innovative with this cloud-based community forum software. The design and development of the partner portal will complete the responsive website of designed by Aqaba and be beneficial to linking communication between Mersino and their partners.

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