Google Adwords

Google AdWords Changes How Quality Score is Reported

Google AdWords announced it is in the process of making changes to the way Quality Scores are being reported. In 2015, Google changed make changes in which all new keywords began with a quality score of 6. Before that change, Google based a new keyword’s quality score on the account’s performance history, and on the historical data from other advertisers who had used the same keyword previously.

When there aren’t enough impressions or clicks, the Quality Score of a keyword cannot be calculated accurately. Over the coming month, Google will no longer be assigning quality scores to keywords that do not receive enough activity, or have insufficient data. Beginning in the week of October 10, 2016, rather seeing a numerical value for those performing keywords, we will see “–“ in the reporting table. When a keyword is created, it will have a blank quality score.

The More it Changes, the More it Stays the Same

It’s not all changing. Even if keywords do not have enough data to have a quality score, instead have a quality score of ‘–’, the keywords will still be eligible to participate in the ad auctions. What this means is, all keywords will have quality scores that are calculated on the fly, like they always have. (Called auction-time quality score) The only big difference is they just won’t show the quality score for those keywords not getting the enough impressions.

Why do quality scores matter? Quality scores play a significant role in ad auctions. It determines whether or not an ad is even eligible to compete in the ad auction for a query. It is the largest factor as to where the ad will be placed on the Search Engine Response Page. (Whether it will be on the top or bottom of the search page) And of course it is again the largest factor in not only the placement, but it is also that for actual Cost-per-Click (CPC) that’s required to beat out the other competitors.

Smart Technology is Smart Business!

If you don’t have time to keep up all of these changes to Google, maybe it’s time to seek the help of the professionals. That’s where the certified professionals at Aqaba Technologies can help. Don’t wait! Contact Aqaba Technologies today!


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