Google Adwords

Important Update: Changes to how Smart Bidding strategies are organized for Search campaigns

If you have one or more account(s) currently using Target CPA or Target ROAS on your Search campaigns. We are here to inform you about the upcoming name changes to these bidding strategy types.

What’s changing?

Google previously announced changes to how Smart Bidding strategies are organized to help you choose the right one for your business.

Starting in July 2022, Google will begin renaming your existing standard “Target CPA” campaigns to “Maximize conversions” with a target CPA and your standard “Target ROAS” bid strategy campaigns will be renamed to “Maximize conversion value” with target ROAS. This update will only be applied to campaign-level strategies on Search, while the naming of portfolio strategies is planned to be updated in 2023.

With this change there will be no impact to bidding behavior. Using Maximize conversions with a target CPA will have the same bidding behavior as Target CPA. Likewise, using Maximize conversion value with a target ROAS will have the same bidding behavior as Target ROAS.

Frequently asked questions

Will this change cause any impact to my performance?
No. This change will only impact the naming of your Target CPA and Target ROAS campaigns, and will not impact your Smart Bidding performance.

Which bidding strategies are impacted?
This change only impacts Target CPA and Target ROAS campaigns on Search. No other bid strategies are impacted.

Is there any action required?
No. Starting in July 2022, we will begin renaming existing Target CPA and Target ROAS campaigns, and no action is required.

Will I continue to see my campaign’s historical performance?
Yes. There will be no impact to the historical data, and you will continue to be able to view your historical campaign performance.

Aren’t some campaigns already using the new naming?
Yes. Since late 2021, any newly created campaigns will already be using the new naming. With this update we will rename all existing campaigns that are still using the old Target CPA or Target ROAS.

Need more help?
For further information, contact Aqaba at  .

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