Website Design/Development

Detroit Web Design Optimization For Lead Gen

There is no doubt that your website should be designed such that it will generate more leads for your business. Our Detroit web design experts tell us that it’s a little more complicated than just putting a Click Here button on your homepage, and waiting for all those leads to start coming in. A more strategic approach is generally needed by marketers and designers, and below you’ll find some of the tactics which can be used to improve your web design in order to generate more leads.

Strategically Add Forms to Specific Pages

The pages which you should add forms to are those which routinely gather the most traffic. Typically, these kinds of pages are the landing pages users come to from emails that you have distributed to them. Other pages which might normally see a lot of traffic are those which users have been directed to from social media, or which people have been directed to by your customer service team from a live chat window. Another very common source of heavy traffic is your best performing blog posts. After you’ve identified which of your web pages are routinely attracting the most attention, that’s where you should position forms so as to gather email addresses from visitors, so they can become new leads.

Optimize your Lead Generation Process

Good advice from our Detroit web design company calls for matching up links from your blog post to actual searches conducted by users. What this means is that when a user searches for Italian Restaurants, and your latest blog contains a link for Italian Restaurants, that link should not direct them to a page for used football equipment. Once the user does come to your site though, you should begin the learning process immediately about their behaviors, so that you can optimally direct them toward filling out a form. One method you can use to optimize your lead generation process is to use A/B testing on the landing page, so you can see which of two tracks produces better results with getting users to fill out a lead generation form.

Optimize your Landing Pages

A recent HubSpot survey discovered that companies that had at least 30 landing pages incorporated into their website were able to produce seven times more leads than websites which only included five or fewer landing pages. The lesson here seems to be that sheer numbers do provide significant benefits toward attracting more traffic and producing a greater number of leads.

Don’t Overlook Thank You Pages

While it’s perfectly understandable to emphasize landing pages in the pursuit of new leads, you shouldn’t overlook thank-you pages either. Once a user has submitted a form and been converted into a lead, you should definitely take the time to thank them for their submission, and you should include a link which they can download for whatever new offer you’re promoting.

Include a Basic Call to Action on your Home Page

The advantage of doing this is that many people are attracted to the design of your Home Page, and while they are there, it’s a good idea to include a basic call to action as well. By including a CTA on your Home Page, you’re increasing the chances that someone will navigate to your lead generation form and submit it in accordance with your intentions.


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