Managed SEO

6 SEO Strategies That Still Work In 2017

As Search Engines change and evolve over time, we know that our SEO strategies must also adapt and engage in tactics that are rewarded by Search Engines

As a Detroit SEO Company, Aqaba Technologies understands that navigating the ever-changing SEO landscape can be a challenge for SEO professionals, website owners, and others who are seeking to keep their websites relevant and ranking in response to search queries..

We also recognize that there are some solid SEO strategies that consistently yield results across multiple sectors. In this post, we’ll discuss 6 of these strategies:

Use videos as important components of an optimized website

A recent study by Marketing Land reports that videos now make up more than 50% of all Google searches universally. Google has continued to reward websites that integrate or blend videos into their on-page content. Additionally, videos are still a great way to engage your audience more fully in your on-page content.

Engage Social Media to Support and Boost SEO

Creating a strategy that integrates a business’ SEO strategy with their Social Media initiatives results in a stronger SEO performance. Utilizing your Social Media channels to post content that is needed and appreciated by your target audience — and that encourages links back to your website — is a valuable investment of time and effort.

Optimize for Mobile

While this is nothing new, it is interesting to note that in October 2016, mobile searches outnumbered desktop searches, with mobile/tablets accounting for over 51% of searches on Google that month. And in November of 2016, Google released it first mobile-first index. Prior to this, Google crawled the desktop version of a site first; this update means that Google now uses the mobile version of the site as its primary index.

This simply points to the continued need to optimize your website for mobile.

Improve User Experience

Improving the user experience provided by your website continues to be an important key to rankings. Carefully planning out your website — from choosing graphics to crafting content — all play a big part in enhancing user experience.

Perhaps your website is in need of a ‘user-experience-tune up’? Talk to us about some ideas we have to improve your current website. As a Detroit SEO company that also specializes in website design, Aqaba Technologies can help your website perform at its optimal level.

Emphasize Content and Keywords

Having great content that uses keywords that are important to your business, and that comprehensively cover topics important to your audience, is an important component of an optimized website. As a result, keyword research is still an important aspect of SEO — with the goal being to identify keywords and keyword phrases that are semantically connected to your website’s core message.

Local SEO is Imperative

Given the move toward a mobile-first mindset, and consistent with Google’s mobile-first index, the need to optimize websites for local search is more important than ever. This is especially true if your business has a local component.

These are just 6 SEO strategies that we recognize are important components of an optimized website. But we don’t just rest on these. As a leading Internet Marketing Agency in Detroit, Aqaba Technologies provides solutions to businesses who want to see their websites doing more.

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