
What Are The Key Components Of Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing in Michigan is similar to internet marketing throughout the country. It is based on the same key components which have proven to be successful more than any other approach.

These key components are often referred to as The Five C’s. Individually, they are Company Strategy, Customer Experience, Content Creation, Channel Promotions, and Check-back Analysis.

If you’ve covered your bases in all five of these areas, chances are that you have a sound digital marketing strategy and that you’ll be reaping the rewards once they’ve been implemented. Below is a description of what’s involved with each of these five major components.

Company Strategy 

In order to successfully conduct Internet marketing in Michigan, you’ll need to start by properly identifying your company’s business objectives. This means you’ll need to figure out exactly what you’re trying to achieve and how you can make that happen.

One of the most important aspects of this component is that you need to get the attention of your target audience. Especially given the fact that many other companies will be competing for the attention of that same audience.

Everything you consider in this vein should be related to your business model and your company brand. Whatever your eventual marketing strategy is, it must align fully with your brand and your business model. This is a time when you can begin to think about specific digital marketing campaigns that you may want to conduct, and what tools you will need to carry out those campaigns.

This is where team members can begin to think about what you will do to convert leads into customers. And what it will take to get potential customers off the fence and in a purchasing frame of mind.

Customer Experience

A big part of your digital marketing strategy should be to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience for a while and try to have an understanding of what they are thinking and feeling when they interact with your company brand.

During this phase, it’s important to identify exactly who’s your target audience, and how your products or services can serve them. In order to do this, you’ll need to collect and analyze a significant amount of data about your customers.

Identify the target audience member’s characteristics using the collected data, and create a generic persona of your ideal customer. Then you should try and relate to the journey a potential customer will take from being interested in your product to actually making a purchase.

At this time, it will also be beneficial to begin thinking about developing content that will appeal to potential customers. The caveat is to satisfy a need or desire that they have.

Content Creation

The creation of high-quality content is critical to the success of Internet marketing in Michigan. Now is the time to give serious consideration to how you will create appealing content, who in your organization will be responsible for content creation, and what that content might be. You’ll need to develop a formal plan for marketing your content so that it will effectively reach your target audience.

Make sure you take advantage of the different types of content which can be effective. That should include visual content, curated content, and long and short-form content. If at all possible, you should incorporate storytelling into your overall strategy, because this has been shown to connect with audiences better than almost any other strategy.

It’s also worthwhile to consider the creation of a resource library. This will help your customers, who can access on their own, without your intervention.

Channel Promotions

In order for your content to make maximum impact with your target audience, you’ll need to decide how to distribute that content most effectively. This will include identifying exactly which channels to use, which social media platforms to include in your efforts, and how you will make use of each of these possibilities.

To maximize your reach, you want to use organic searches as well as paid advertising, and you want to make use of earned, shared, and owned media so that you can have the best possible coverage with your audience.

By making the most of all different media types available to you, you’ll have the best chance for your message to reach a huge portion of your target audience. Search marketing is a major asset in this area, even if it’s constantly shifting and changing in usage.

If you can develop shareable content, that will effectively increase the power of your advertising, because it will enlist the aid of a number of users to promote your content on your behalf.

When users discover content which appeals to them, they literally have the power to make it go viral on the Internet and have it seen by millions of others. Consider the role of email marketing in your overall strategy, because whether you love it or hate it, it can still be very effective at reaching a great number of potential customers.

Check-back Analysis

In this phase of Internet marketing, you will be evaluating the success or failure of your most recent digital marketing campaign. At this time, it becomes appropriate to ask whether or not you have met the goals you established originally when devising your campaign.

If you should determine that the campaign has fallen short of expectations, it may be necessary to tweak your approach or to modify it altogether. One part of this may be to assess whether or not the campaign has remained true to your business model and brand.

If you established some key performance indicators at the outset, now is the time to assess how those KPIs have performed. There are also a number of tests you can use in order to gauge the success of your internet marketing, for instance, split testing and page speeds, but all of these should help determine what your ROI was for your marketing campaign.

Based on your analysis of the campaign, you can make adjustments for your next marketing campaign, or if necessary, you can take a completely different approach next time.

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