Managed SEO

Drive More Traffic to your Site with Mobile SEO

Generating more traffic to your website, no matter which business you’re in, starts with search engine optimization (SEO). With mobile traffic on the rise and the number of mobile searches slated to increase even more, it’s crucial to stay connected with your audience through mobile devices. As such, mobile SEO services are a crucial component of any Internet marketing plan. As of 2014, smartphone users across the planet totaled 1.75 billion, according to eMarketer, with more than 2.23 billion mobile phone users worldwide going online on a monthly basis to search for information on products and services. You can’t miss the boat on this, so check out these tips to driving more traffic to your site with mobile SEO.

Go Mobile

First off, your website must be optimized for all mobile devices. Not only does this make the users’ experience much better because the text and graphics fit their smaller screens, it also ranks you higher in search engines because they prioritize mobile-optimized sites over sites that are not, according to MobiForge.

Incorporate Incentives

Part of your mobile SEO campaign should be to incorporate incentives such as mobile coupons and specials that can act as a supplement to printed coupons. This is especially useful for retailers or small businesses that offer a product or service, such as a clothing store or a hair salon. Your customers can redeem the coupons in the store without having to print anything out. All they have to do is show the barcode and the clerk scans it in. The result? A boost in convenience, which leads to an increase in loyalty that will drive more sales and attract more traffic to your site.

Make Sure Customers Can Find You

A crucial component of mobile SEO is tagging your store or business with geo-specific locations and store locators that lead customers right to your door. Give them a chance to input their zip code to find out where you are and how close to you your customer is at the moment. Make it easy for them to find you and they will come.

Consider Page Speed

Due to hardware and connectivity issues, page speed is vital for mobile users on the go, which means you’ll have to minimize code, cut down on redirects and leverage browser caching, advises Moz.

Forget Pop-Ups

While pop-ups are a given when it comes to desktops, they can be downright dangerous on a mobile device, as users get frustrated when trying to search for something on the go and have to contend with annoying pop-up ads. This often leads to a high bounce rate, which you never want.

For further insight into generating more traffic with mobile SEO, an experienced Detroit SEO company can assist your business utilizing the above tips and many more.

Ramsey Sweis
President and Founder of Aqaba Technologies
LinkedIn: View Profile
Twitter: @AqabaTech

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