Managed SEO

15 Questions to Ask an SEO Company

Making SEO Work: A Michigan SEO Company’s Guide on Finding the Perfect Agency

We all know as of late Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agencies have been sprouting up left, and right. When deciding on which SEO company to work with it can sometimes be a little difficult. Some may talk the talk, and claim to be best. Evaluating the true value of the marketing firm can sometimes be muddied by elaborate sites, SEO terms and jargon.

How is that you can cut through all of this? So, “How do I find the Best SEO firm?” Here are 15 simple questions to ask any potential marketing agency to help you weight how they will work with your SEO campaign.

  1. What SEO tasks will be performed on-site?

Who is performing Search Engine Optimization on your website? Will this be done in-house, or will the work be outsourced?

  1. Is my account rep. available by phone?

You will want to easily be able to talk with the SEO experts managing your campaign. Whether it’s to discuss concerns, strategies, or just get a better understanding of the reports.

  1. What are your Marketing Goals with my SEO campaign?

It’s important to know what metrics an agency is using, and what goals will be used in your campaign. Will your best interests be in mind? Make sure the SEO company is focusing on providing you results and are able to track your Return on Investment (ROI).

  1. Would you be able to show me keyword ranking for some of your active clients?

An agency may claim success, but have the SEO firm show a live Google search for active clients. Ask to see Google rankings of multiple clients.

  1. What kind of Reports will you provide, and how often will you provide them?

Any SEO company needs to be transparent with your campaign performance. Ask for reports giving a thorough campaign analysis. Items like traffic reports, keyword ranking reports, and link building reports. At AQABA we provide weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports. Any marketing firm should be willing to do the same.

  1. What are your long term clients?

Some of the online marketing companies will boast about the number the clients they’ve signed. While this certainly looks impressive, the number of clients they retain is a truer indication of the work they perform.

  1. What kind of links will you be building?

Quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb. An SEO company’s strategy should be to build quality links, and authoritative links.

  1. How will you be building those links? What is your firm’s link building strategy?

This goes back to the Quality of links. Will the Michigan SEO firm be using some type of automation to build links, or even purchase backlinks? If this method is used to any degree you want to avoid that agency.

  1. What information does your SEO company need to know prior to starting on the campaign?

You will want a custom SEO strategy. Your business isn’t a clone, why should an online market strategy for your business be one? The good SEO firm will want to intimately know your business and industry.

  1. Will the campaign strategy evolve over time?

You will want the strategies to be continuously be modified. As the rest of the world changes so must your strategy for meeting. Your Michigan SEO firm optimizes the keywords, ads, and landing pages. The strategy today may not be applicable a month from now.

  1. Does your SEO company use additional tactics besides?

SEO is an important part of the answer, but it is only part of the answer. An effective strategy typically includes Blogging, Social Media ads like Facebook ads, Email Marketing, or Search Engine Marketing (SEM) like Google Ads, Bing ads, Yahoo, etc.

  1. Which pages on my site will be targeted with keywords?

A sure way of spotting a green, or inexperienced SEO agency is if the only page being targeted with keywords is the homepage. Ideally, each page on your site should contain typically 3 or 4 keywords.

  1. How does your company decide which keywords to use?

What is taken into consideration prior to deciding the keywords to target in the campaign? A good Michigan SEO firm should recommend the keywords that will give the greatest profitability or value for your organization.

  1. Can I meet with my account rep before I sign a contract?

This is great to get a better understanding of who you are working with. Are they a college freshman, a graduate, or a seasoned SEO expert?

  1. How soon will the strategy begin to work?

Realistically, an SEO campaign will not be able show results the moment it begins. You can expect results within 2-3 months. Keep in mind, sometimes may be sooner sometimes it may longer. There are a lot of factors such as industry, competition, current ranking and status, even keywords.

These questions are a great starting point. Use this as a template in evaluating potential SEO companies. Add to this list, and modify as needed. Never be afraid to hurt an SEO expert’s feelings with valid questions. It’s your business after-all. Treat it well!

If you have have any questions about how Search Engine Optimization can benefit your organization, feel free to contact us.

John Sturgeon
Internet Marketing Specialist
(248) 275-1222 ext. 122

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